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Robert & Barney Swan - "From the Poles to the Tropics"

The Royal Geographical Society - Singapore presents our April event “From the Poles to the Tropics” featuring guest speakers Robert Swan, OBE, FRGS and Barney Swan

Join us at the Hollandse Club Singapore on 11 April 2024 to hear about the father-son duo’s various expeditions across the globe which unmasked the devastating extent of climate change in the Poles and the Tropics, thus prompting them to embark on missions to protect the Earth’s diverse natural landscapes. Tickets are available at:

Robert will share his journey in becoming the world’s first person to ski both the North and South Poles: On 11 January 1986, Robert and his team ‘In the Footsteps of Scott’ arrived at the South Pole, with their 900-mile journey being the longest unassisted march in history. Three years later, in 1989, Robert led ‘Icewalk’ - a team of eight - to the North Pole. 

During these two historic expeditions, Robert experienced firsthand the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. At the South Pole, his eyes changed colour through damage caused by the prolonged exposure of ultraviolet rays as he walked under the hole in the ozone layer. At the North Pole, his team nearly drowned because of the premature melting of the ocean ice. These two hard-hitting and unexpected incidents galvanised him to launch The 2041 Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to preserving Antarctica as a natural reserve and a land for science and peace.

Meanwhile, Barney will describe his mission to preserve the Daintree Rainforest - the oldest rainforest in the world and the largest of its kind in Australia. Through Tropical ReGen, a 527-acre venture which aims to restore degraded parts of the rainforest via the planting of native trees, Barney aims to provide a scalable rainforest conservation model that enhances environmental and community resilience in the Tropics.

About the speakers:

Robert Swan OBE FRGS is an explorer, a leader in energy innovation, and founder of The 2041 Foundation. By the age of 33, Robert had achieved his dream to walk to both the North and South Poles. More recently, in January 2023, Robert had completed his 37-year goal of crossing the Antarctic landmass on foot.

Robert received the Polar Medal and the title of the Officer of the British Empire (OBE) from HM Queen Elizabeth II. His contributions to education, energy innovation, and environmental action have been recognized by the United Nations through his appointment as UNEP Goodwill Ambassador for Youth and Special Envoy to the Director General of UNESCO, and as a recipient of the UN Humanitarian Innovation Award. He is the co-author of four books and was a keynote speaker at all of the UN World Summits for Sustainable Development, the World Economic Forum, and the Corporate Eco Forum. 

Barney Swan is the founder of ClimateForce, an Australian charity focused on co-creating organic reforestation methodologies that are economically self-sustaining for biodiversity, innovation, and rural communities across the globe. He is currently based in Far North Queensland, Australia as he leads off-grid research and development projects around biodiversity, innovations, and agricultural solutions. Barney has managed complex expedition programmes in eight regions across the world, including the Arctic, Tanzania, South Atlantic, and Patagonia.

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